Thursday, August 12, 2010

Daily Ramblings - So, what's new?

This week has been a busy one at work for me.  As you may know, I work at a major record label and September is a big month for album releases this year, which means right now I'm burying myself under gigantic wads of paper.  I'm one of those people who makes piles of folders on the floor of my office, which helps me sort out what needs to be done and how to prioritize those things.  I know it's getting out of hand though when those piles are gravitating toward the door, creating a barrier preventing my escape.  Even worse is when my boss appears in my doorway to tell me something but her train of thought is repeatedly interrupted because her eyes are drawn to the perceived mess strewn about the place.  She doesn't have to say anything about it, the look is everything.

In the meantime, I'm participating in a Dexter themed craft swap on Craftster while oh so patiently waiting for Season 5 to start on Showtime next month.  It's been really fun making things for my partner that are inspired by blood spatter and dismemberment.  Of course I'll be sharing my creations soon, but can't just yet lest my partner happen across it!  If you haven't seen this show, I highly recommend it.  I didn't think I was going to like it at first, but by the 3rd episode of Season 1, I was completely hooked.  It's smart, funny, deliciously dark, and Michael C Hall isn't too bad to look at either. 

Speaking of being on a creative kick, I've finally come up with the new name for my handmade business.  Several years ago, I joined the Etsy bandwagon, originally focusing on photography, then branching out to handspun yarns and various knit or crocheted accessories.  It has to be said, I never found my groove on that site and as a result spent a lot of time worrying about it, but without much to show.  About 6 months ago, I decided to take a hiatus and take my time deciding how I wanted to move forward.  Just in the same way as I felt trapped into a concept with my old blog, I felt trapped by my Etsy shop.  I realized that I needed a brand new outlet where I could be free to be inspired by creating new things.  I spent a lot of time thinking about a name for my business that represents what I'll be offering - which is a little bit of everything really, seeing as I'm not a monogamous crafter and love dabbling in all sorts of things.  It took a while because it's hard to come up with a truly original domain name that hasn't already been snagged (or even worse, sounds like a site of the "mature" persuasion).  After a LOT of thought, I came up with Crave Creation - after all, I do!  This week, I bought the domain and got the website template started.  I'm going to be making inventory and I foresee many hours of product photography in my future.  The beautiful thing though is that it no longer feels like a chore.  I'm actually excited and inspired, which is what creativity is supposed to be about! 

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