Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Daily Ramblings - Farewell Thor

Last night, my in-laws had to make the decision to put down their dog, Thor.  Having grown up with cats, and being allergic to a variety of dogs, Thor was the first pup that I ever loved.  I will remember fondly the many dinners where he'd settle down under the table and give my feet a good licking, or settle down on top of me while sitting on the couch (despite not really being a lap-sized dog).  Even my wedding day was attended by 25 family members, and one very special dog in a bow-tie.  I'm thankful that we were able to spend so many years with him and that he lived to an old age, maintaining his wonderful disposition despite suffering from a variety of medical issues.

Thor, thank you for being a part of our lives and bringing us such joy.  We will miss you.

1 comment :

  1. ahh Thor is a darling dog. I have a dog who is at that point right now and I am thinking that the time is coming sooner rather then later. may the aches of missing him not be to great.
