Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Daily Chuckles - Tigers like catnip too!

Somebody on Ravelry posted this video today showing that even the biggest and most fierce of cats like catnip too.  When we first introduced Deuce to catnip, he sniffed it and walked away.  Figures he'd be in the small percentage of cats that aren't at all interested in the powers of the nip.  So, while it may not protect me from the crazy animal that runs our household, it's good to know that should I ever be in fear of being hunted by a tiger, leopard, or other big cat, a paper bag with catnip should do the trick.


  1. Unfortunatley I can't watch the video because I'm in Germany and it isn't available. But you cat is not alone. Both my cats too fall under this no catnip category. My cats don't even care about the catnip spray!

  2. Sad that you can't see the video - it's pretty cool to watch. I read somewhere that cats with heritage from areas that don't naturally have catnip (i.e. part of Asia) generally aren't interested in it. Unfortunately we don't know what Deuce is, but we're guessing he does have Asian breeds in him somewhere.

  3. This video was great, I love that both my cats act exactly like some of these big guys.

  4. I have the same problem as suddenexpression... but I love the thought of canip-loving tigers!
